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TIGER'S EYE Pendulum

TIGER'S EYE Pendulum

Regular price $20.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $20.00 CAD
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Valérie has always loved simple and easy-to-interpret divination methods. The pendulum is one of the tools she has always used in her practice. It's easy to connect with your pendulum and learn to interpret your answers. A pendulum follows you for years before one day it signals you that it's time to move on. It is by far the most personal divination tool a practitioner can have, which matches our energy and reacts differently depending on its owner.

The pendulum is used in times of confusion, to show us what we already know, but which we are having difficulty admitting. It can be effective in weighing the good and bad sides of a decision, in times of doubt. Some practitioners use their pendulum to find lost items or even locate people. If our connection is very close to this tool, it can help us detect the charges of a magical object or the vibration of our chakras.

This pendulum was made by hand, with tiger eye stones; related to inner strength and protection. A tool that will combine perfectly with ambitious practitioners.

• Instructions and black velvet bag included
• Tigers eye
• Length of 10 inches (25 cm)

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